I was pondering the other day about all the hobbies I've had over the years:
- Four Wheel Drive Trucks
- Three Wheelers,
- then Four Wheelers,
- then Dirt Bikes
- Paintball
- Coin Collecting
- Hunting
- Fishing
- Gun Collecting
- Audio/Video/Home Theater
- World War II History
Just to name a few (yeah, there is more).
My problem with said hobbies was my nature to go overboard with them. I had to have the biggest/baddest truck, fastest four-wheeler, best hunting gear, top-of-the-line A/V equipment, etc. I always figured, "if you were going to do it, why not be the best at it." Wouldn't you agree?
And I catch myself sometimes when I'm speaking with someone and the topic turns to one of my passions, that I find myself dominating the conversation and getting loud & excited about it (I apologize if I've ever done that to you).
I find it in my writing too: I get so excited about something that I find I'm ending most sentences with an exclamation mark. (Note: I wanted to post one at the end of that last sentence.)
Sometimes, I find myself being like Elaine in the Seinfeld Episode "The Sniffing Accountant" when she's talking and verbally adding exclamation marks at the end of every sentence.
I'm going to do my best going forward to try to watch over all my exclamation mark usage. But I'll tell you in advance, when I'm excited about something, be prepared for them to come out!!
My question: What hobby or passion gets you excited?
[Note: photo from http://reddingitpro.files.wordpress.com]
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pondering - "to think about : reflect on"
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