People can have a vision about where they want to go, what they want to accomplish, how they want to get there. Businesses are supposed to have a vision as well. It's all about "where are we going and who wants to go with us."
I always enjoy listening to great leaders (whether the leaders of industry, nations, religion, etc.), to hear their passion and to listen to their vision. I learned in a leadership session once, some of the keys it takes to be a great leader (sorry but I can't remember which one now or who said this) but there were three keys to it and it all surrounded vision. From my notes, the three keys to a great leader are:
- A passionate vision.
- The ability to share the vision so that you get disinterested people to follow.
- Exhibit no embarrassment in the articulation of the vision.
Think about the people you'd call great leaders and see how they applied each of the items above.
My question: Are you sharing your vision with others?
[Note: photo from http://joeypeacock.com/]
“Your Success Is My Business.”™
pondering - "to think about : reflect on"
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