Dear YouTube,
I really like you a lot! I log into my YouTube channel on a daily basis. YouTube is one of my personal top social media destinations. I enjoy connecting to others and watching their content - history, culture, creative, inspirational, encouragement, etc. I like it that you offer me the ability to share with others as well.
I would like to suggest to you that you begin offering "paid subscription" accounts which allow folks like me to post longer the 10 minute videos. Not that I need unlimited upload options, just that sometimes I can't get all the material squeezed in under the ten minute mark.
I already have the option of breaking the videos up into ten minute sections, so it's not like a person couldn't post an entire movie (which there are many) or entire video of some event (which again there are many), but this is so inconvenient. If I'm using the same amount of upload bandwidth, and I'm uploading the same amount of videos anyway, why not offer it to me as an option (say, up to 20 minutes in length) and at the same time you put some money in your pocket?
I've been pondering over the pros and cons of this option, and think the pros greatly outweigh the cons.
Thank you very much for your consideration and I look forward to a forthcoming option,
Joey Peacock
[Note: photo from http://www.scommerce.com/]
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pondering - "to think about : reflect on"
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