Have you ever driven down the road, maybe passing the other cars as you go because they're not driving as fast as you want too. Then, all the sudden somebody comes along and passes you. You look at that vehicle and silently think, "I hope the cops catch that guy".
For yourself, you hadn't passed the line you'd drawn in the sand for your speed, but when the other driver passed you, they passed your line in the sand; suddenly they were wrong and you weren't. The thing is, the other driver's line in the sand hadn't been crossed yet as far as they're concerned.
So we each have an internal line we've drawn in the sand of our lives. We have certain rules, certain morals that we strictly stick too. We're okay with everyone else doing whatever it is they do as long as they remain within the borders we've created with our line in the sand. But when they cross our line, we start to think differently about them.
But what about the people we associate with and our line is further down that internal road than theirs is? What do they think about us? And, do we really have a right to be concerned when we often do the same to others?
My question: How do you interact with those whose line is drawn in the sand further out than yours is?
[Note: photo from http://1.bp.blogspot.com/]
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pondering - "to think about : reflect on"
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