Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What's Your Crazy??

I recently did the "What's Your Why" session with some of the folks on our team. If you've never done this exercise with your team, I highly encourage you to take the time to do so because they've always been eye-opening for everyone; those writing down their list and for me learning what motivates each person.

Understanding what drives someone, what gets them out of bed to do what they do everyday, is an incredible journey in understanding. When you're truly invested in someone...when your personal philosophy is "Your Success Is My Business"...helping someone achieve their "why" list takes on a whole new meaning.

Being "truly invested" in someone, though, isn't always as easy as we'd like, is it? We often find that personality...errrrr, let's say differences...can sometimes make us hesitant. I'm sure you have someone that comes to mind who rubs you the wrong way a little, maybe acts and/or talks in a way that is off-putting to you.  Yep - you're thinking of that person right now aren't you.


I was pondering about this...about some folks that I know, that could be seen by others as "more challenging" to get along with, and realized that, not only did I know them, but that I actually liked them...a lot!

Why is that? I pondered.

I believe the answer comes from the fact that I not only know their "What's Your Why" but that I also know their "What's Your Crazy".

"What's Your Crazy" you're pondering?

We all have some crazy about us. Yes. All of us. Some something about each of us, sometime during our life that, whether self-inflicted or impacted upon us by others, or both, had a major influence on who we are and how we act.

I'll provide you some more specific examples: grew up in a dysfunctional family, abused (mentally and/or physically) by a relative or friend, bullied during youth, un-diagnosed mental challenges, addictions with drugs or alcohol or pornography, poverty/financial challenges...the list goes on, but I think you get the idea.

Reaching out to someone to understand "What's Your Why" is easy. In fact, I'd go as far as saying it's fascinating! But reaching out to someone to discover and understand "What's Your Crazy" is tough. Getting someone to open up about extreme difficulties in their life requires trust. But keep this in mind: You may be the very person that can provide the healing they need.

We all arrived here - this place in life - because of the combined experience of everything prior to this moment. Everyone's story is uniquely special, full of ups and downs. Our "What's Your Why" is often directly related to our "What's Your Crazy".  If you really care, be sure you're taking the time to discover both.