Hmmmm...okay, I'm pondering something here: shouldn't I always be honest with you? Wouldn't you want everything I share to be the truth?
I'm in a meeting recently and the speaker literally starts every thought and answers every question asked to him with "I'm going to be honest with you..." I'm thinking, "Do I ever trust anything this guy says if he doesn't start a sentence with that comment?"
Maybe I'm being too nit-picky, but when you have to ask me if I want you to be honest, let's just go from this point forward that the answer is always going to be "YES!"
Here's another pet-peeve of mine: When someone asks me if they can be brutally honest...come on!!! First, why does it have to be brutal? And secondly, aren't you always honest??
If I need to say something, and I have your best interest at heart, and I want to help in a way that's "coaching" and not "criticism" wouldn't you want me to just be frank (but mindful of my delivery)? My dad taught me, "Never tell someone you're 'going to be honest' with them, always be honest regardless. If you have to begin a statement with something like this, always say 'let me be frank'." Great advice!
My question: So, honestly now, can't I be frank?
[Note: photo from http://4.bp.blogspot.com/]
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pondering - "to think about : reflect on"
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