So what if I watched "Julie & Julia"!
It wasn't my pick to rent, but I viewed it and actually enjoyed it (and yes, have even recommended it!). In fact I was pleasantly shocked that I enjoyed it. The acting was first rate (I always like Stanley Tucci) and it was a great story. Plus, I guess if you're my age you remember watching Julia Child on the ol' Black & White TV so the history there was enjoyable to learn. WHO KNEW? (You'll understand when you watch the movie.)
I think the part that most interested me from the film was the back-story of "Julie" (Julie Powell) and how she decided to blog about her adventure. About how she had no "readers" to her blog for so long, and then one day, that magical number happened: 1
That singular inspiration. That unique moment. That blast of encouragement. That first, "someone is watching" realization. It finally happened!!
I knew how she felt.
And then, I saw the short film "Lemonade" as well. WOW!
All these folks were pressed, against their will to begin with, into a situation as well were they were about to begin a new adventure.
The adventure for them as they discovered, much like Julie, was to go after their passion and to share that passion with others. What an interesting concept!!! (sarcasm intended)
I was speaking with a friend the other day about "stepping off the mountain". About hanging "out on a rope, and unable to see the floor beneath you". About the faith it takes to make that leap.
Sure its scary! If you viewed the movie "Lemonade", none of the people interviewed actually chose to take their "adventure" to begin with because it was scary...uncomfortable. But, as you saw in the end, all were full of smiles and happiness.
I'm thinking of an adventure.
My question: Do you have an adventure you've been pondering on? I'd like to hear about it if so.
[Note: photo from http://popculturenerd.files.wordpress.com/]
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pondering - "to think about : reflect on"
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