Monday, February 1, 2010

Don't Say It!!!

"Business as usual." I know you've heard it. You may have even said it. But is "business as usual" really the kind of business you want?

I really dislike hearing a business, or more especially a business owner, proclaim it's "business as usual". To me, it means that they're happy with the current status quo they've set for products, services and customer experience. But how can that be?

With new products constantly being developed, services always in need in review and update, and with the customer experience a never ending changing landscape, "business as usual" should never be spoken within a company by anyone!

The only "business as usual" they should have is constantly transforming the business into the absolute best it can be.

How about you - what do you think about the term "business as usual"?

[Note: photo from]

Your Success Is My Business.”™

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