I'm pondering on all of this now because as I was driving around today, I heard two songs that used the term in them: A Taste of Honey's "Boogie Oogie Oogie" and Heatwave's "Groove Line".
I thought about how my parents had slang terms that their parents didn't understand, and how we had words that didn't have the same meaning as our parents used them, plus now our kids do the same to us. It's pretty cool how this seems to be a generation-to-generation phenomena.
I catch myself always using "cool", "awesome", "wow" and more...from different decades even. "SNAP!" I guess we all do it, and always will. So, let me boogy on down with the next project and I'll talk with ya next time.
My question: What word(s) do you use that your parents, or your kids, don't get - either the meaning as you use them, or why you use them?
[Note: photo from http://farm1.static.flickr.com/]
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pondering - "to think about : reflect on"
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