I'm surfing the net, reading blogs, following "the trail" as we often do when clicking from one link to the next in our search of the "golden nugget" of information we're seeking...and there it was: AllBlogTools.com!
I had already earlier in the day found a site with "follow me" links FLOATING along the side, so I worked diligently to figure out the code and created some for myself on my blog (note right side of page). I couldn't believe I pulled that off!!!
Then I'm thinking, 'what else can I do to spiff the place up and make it more inviting for visitors, and what could I do in hopes of getting people to share these messages? So I started my hunt through all the blogs I already subscribe too.'
This lead me to open one of these blogs and from there I started clicking on links and the chase began!
Now, finding out little tricks of the "smart folks" is something I enjoy doing, but it's not always easy. I can't tell you how many people I've e-mailed and asked, "how'd you do that", with very few replies. That's why I wanted to share not only the AllBlogTools.com site with you, but also one from CSSReflex as well.
So, with the new tools I've found today, and the upgrades I'm incorporated into the site, I'm really motivated to pound on the keyboard and share some more of my ponders with you.
So help me out and share what sites you use to help yourself be creative & get motivated?
Always trying to help you, because: “Your Success Is My Business.” ™
[Note: photo from http://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/]
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