Monday, October 26, 2009
Taking the Risk
The Entrepreneur...I really have to believe that all of us have something burning deep down inside us that creates an "entrepreneurial" mindset within us.
Haven't you ever seen something on TV, on a store shelf, in a friend's or family member's home and you thought, "Hey, I had that idea! I can't believe someone did that!?!?!"
I really enjoy talking with business owners, regardless of the size of their business, to find out what it was that drove them to start the business and what experiences they had along the way.
The information entrepreneur's have, especially the failures they've experienced along the way, are such great lessons for all of us.
But, isn't it the RISK that holds us back. The thought that we'll fail, that no one will believe in us, that someone will think we're crazy for going after our passion?
If you've got an idea, a passion, and you want to pursue it then begin "feeding" yourself positive, motivating thoughts. Let your creative mind go!! Sites like Smartbrief for Entrepreneurs provide a daily newsletter about some of the greatest minds out there who are doing incredible things --- JUST LIKE YOU COULD BE DOING!
Whether you want to start a traditional brick & motar store or an on-line business, don't let the nay-sayers hold you back; because one day while you're at your friends house and he tells you about how they just purchased the greatest product ever...and its something you once dreamed about doing, you're really gonna (mentally) kick yourself.
What are you dreaming about?
Thanks and remember: “Your Success Is My Business.”™
[Note: photo from]
Thursday, October 15, 2009
"Oh My Goodness"
So I watched "50 First Dates" on TV again...and this scene (above) really stands out for me. I'll share with you why in just a moment.
Sure, I catch some flak about this being one of my favorite movies, but I think it's a really funny movie! When Doug Whitmore (Sean Astin) kisses his bicep, it just cracks me up!
And I'm the first to admit that I had never, EVER seen an Adam Sandler movie until this one. I just didn't care for him as an actor so I by-passed all his other movies (I still haven't seen the majority of the movies he's made). But this one was different.
It's kind of like "Groundhog Day", another one of my favorite movies, where someone gets to keep doing it over & over 'til they get it right. Something I think we'd all like a chance at.
But back to the scene above and why it stood out to me this particular viewing: Wouldn't it be great to view our family, our friends, our careers, our customers, everything from the point of view that we first get to experience them!? With excitement, wonderful expectations, a sense of tremendous possibilities & opportunities!! Wouldn't it be great if everything was an "Oh, my goodness" moment?
So, I was just pondering on this & thought I'd share. I'm wondering what are your "Oh, my goodness" moments?
Remember “Your Success Is My Business.”™
Monday, October 12, 2009
I Don't Have Too...

But not all are large projects, are all pre-planned and/or foretold. Many items become routine to us and part of our normal life. I know that I'm as guilty as the next with the "I have to..." comments.
I've been pondering a lot on our attitude towards these events or tasks, regardless of their size.
And the more I ponder on these, the more I realize that I don't have to do them, I get too!
And so do you!
I get to go to work doing something I really am passionate about.
I get to serve others in helping them succeed.
I get to help out around the house.
I get to spend time with my family and friends.
I get to help my Dad with little projects he's no longer physically able to do alone.
I get to serve in the different community and church organizations I am part of.
I get to cut the grass.
I get to grill.
I get to take the garbage out to the road.
I get to do a lot of things, to numerous to mention here, that I'm blessed to do.
What are some things you get to do that others might feel they have too?
Remember: “Your Success Is My Business.”™
[Note: photo from]
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Motivated to Blog!

I'm surfing the net, reading blogs, following "the trail" as we often do when clicking from one link to the next in our search of the "golden nugget" of information we're seeking...and there it was:!
I had already earlier in the day found a site with "follow me" links FLOATING along the side, so I worked diligently to figure out the code and created some for myself on my blog (note right side of page). I couldn't believe I pulled that off!!!
Then I'm thinking, 'what else can I do to spiff the place up and make it more inviting for visitors, and what could I do in hopes of getting people to share these messages? So I started my hunt through all the blogs I already subscribe too.'
This lead me to open one of these blogs and from there I started clicking on links and the chase began!
Now, finding out little tricks of the "smart folks" is something I enjoy doing, but it's not always easy. I can't tell you how many people I've e-mailed and asked, "how'd you do that", with very few replies. That's why I wanted to share not only the site with you, but also one from CSSReflex as well.
So, with the new tools I've found today, and the upgrades I'm incorporated into the site, I'm really motivated to pound on the keyboard and share some more of my ponders with you.
So help me out and share what sites you use to help yourself be creative & get motivated?
Always trying to help you, because: “Your Success Is My Business.” ™
[Note: photo from]
Monday, October 5, 2009
The Positives About Negatives

"I hate customer complaints."
"Why are our customers always complaining?"
"Why would we want to have a social media page that allows customers to post negative comments about us?"
I'm heard this (and more) over & over from businesses all over America. I'm sure you have as well. All of these comments are with a negative thought process & with pessimistic vision for the future of that business.
But I on the other hand see huge positives in all these comments! How?
When your customer is calling you and complaining, all they're doing is begging for help. They want to do business with you, they want to give you their hard-earned money, all they want from you is to help them resolve their problem!
If a customer uses your social media page to post a complaint, here's your opportunity to show the world what great customer service you provide.
And if the customer has a legitimate problem with your business, don't you want to know where you're failing so you can correct it, regardless of how the message is delivered?
Negative comments & complaints are a gold mine for you to refine your company and move it to the next higher level of customer service and the customer experience. Don't miss the opportunites!
Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business.” ™
[Note: photo from]
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