Helping others grow their social media communities has been something I've enjoyed doing. Helping people connect with others of similar interests is a good thing. It's almost daily that I see someone new join one of the social media communities I participate in. Do you see this happening too?
If you follow social media like I do, there are so many conversations going on about what social media is and why you should be involved.
Whether it's someone like Seth Godin in a video talking about what you should be doing within your social media communities, Chris Brogan wondering if you need to touch every conversation, maybe a company trying to teach you how to include it in your business, or one of your friends/colleagues passionately telling you how many new "friends" they have on their Facebook or Twitter account; isn't your social media community your community?
If social media is simply conversations, just like you'd have with someone face-to-face, then why can't you post what you want to say?
In my last blog, "Am I Yelling", I pondered on that very thought and also about what I shared in my social media communities, and whether I was yelling my messages through these "social media megaphones".
But something that seems rarely mentioned, but seems to be highly important to many, is the number of connections we have within our communities. I recently read a blog (can't remember which one now from all the ones I read) about how important your connections (network) was and how it may be turned in to 'higher hire-ability factor' going forward. Interesting thought.
But what do we do that helps others gain & grow their networks?
When you connect with someone new on your Facebook account, do you "suggest friends" for this person to the appropriate connections you have? (Remember, just because you're limited to doing 20 at a time, doesn't mean you can't do it multiple times!) This is a great way to help someone build their initial community!! Do you retweet someone elses tweet post to your community? Do you actively seek out and recommend those connected to you on LinkedIn? Do you share blogs you like with all your community(s) connections?
When you help others build their communities, you'll soon see the same happen to your own community as well. What a great deal for everyone!!
I'd be interested in hearing your experiences in how you build your communities and how you help others do so as well. It would be great information to share with everyone. (Click "comment" below to do so.)

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