Friday, April 9, 2010

Did you hear me?

Paying attention when you're talking to someone is just common courtesy...isn't it? But have you noticed that what now seems to be the "new normal" is to be talking with someone while they're checking their mobile device? Makes me stop and ponder.

If their text message or e-mail is more important than I am when I'm standing right there in front of them, what's the purpose? Have we grown to care about our "virtual connections" more than our personal face-to-face connections?

And when we begin to add this multi-tasking lifestyle mentality in our work places, what are we accomplishing then? I've been in meetings before where people are presenting and folks in the audience (including leaders) are checking e-mails, texting, etc. Even our elected officials are guilty of this, yet we hold them unaccountable!

My question: Is it just me that this is a pet-peeve of, or does it upset you too?

[Note: photo from]

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pondering - "to think about : reflect on"

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