Let's not look at this from a personal point-of-view (though I encourage you to take some time to ponder it that way) but rather let's look at this from a business stand-point.
Since the down-turn of the economy, the majority of businesses have great clarity now on items that before I don't think were very obvious to them. To me a great business has focus on being cost effective in all they do, are efficient at all the processes and deliver world-class service to all their customers regardless of current ecomonic conditions. Were they ignorant to all these when we were living in the "good times" (stock market growing) so they were at peace with all the issues they've given priority focus on in the past few years? What if they'd implemented all their recent changes back in 2000 before the down-turn in the economy? What if...
What issue(s) do you see businesses over-looking and living "at peace" with that they should have focus on?
Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business.” ™
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