The "new hire". Don't you love them? The brand new team member (employee) at your business --- all happy, excited, energetic, optimistic and enthusiastic. They come in like a sponge looking for every drop of information they can get. Their minds are fresh & full of creative thoughts - even if some of them won't fly, they voice ideas about ways
they believe will grow and prosper the organization.
Everyone they meet or are introduced too around the office they're smiling and shaking hands with, all seemingly amped up on caffeine or some magic "new hire" drug. They get home and tell their friends & family about how they've just landed the best job every. They share all the incredible opportunities ahead of them and what a super company it is they're associated with.
But somewhere along the line, something happens to these new hires. Haven't you seen this happen? Did it even happen to you?
What is it?
Somewhere along the path they stop smiling at everyone, they stop shaking hands, end all their enthusiasm and energy, quite coming up with creative ideas...and have none of the excitement or motivation like they used too. Now, the career that they once thought was a blessing has suddenly caused them to curse it.
As the leader or business owner, you have the more difficult task in all this: Keeping everyone motivated and acting like "new hires" each and every day!
As a leader, here is a list for you to review:
- Are you, the leader, constantly sharing the vision?
- Are you constantly talking about the culture?
- Are you removing roadblocks that create frustration?
- Are you the great communicator within your company?
- Do you immediately resolve internal conflicts?
- Do you constantly carry the rallying cry of the purpose of your company?
- Do you provide constant, regularly scheduled employee evaluations so that people know exactly where they stand?
- Do you eliminate incompetence?
- And finally, do you make work fun?
As the leader, it's up to you to continue to fuel your team and to help them maintain that "new hire" mentality regardless of how long they've worked with you. Do so and watch your business grow!
Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business.” ™
[Note: photo from http://www.shanesart.com/]Like this post? Pass it on! (See "Share it" link below)