Wednesday, December 30, 2009


What direction are you going? What is your goal? How are you going to get there? Here’s a quote that provided me a real wake-up call:

“Your DIRECTION, not your intention, determines your destination.”
~Andy Stanley

Having a plan with a goal in mind is the only way you’ll successfully reach your destination. If my INTENTION was to go to the beach, but as soon as I pulled out on ANY highway and headed north, my destination just became so far off I’ll probably give up before I ever reach where I wanted to go.

For this year end, and New Year beginning, I ask that you reflect on your direction. Is it written? Who have you shared it with? Who is helping you with your directions?

I know everyone here has the best intentions---but let’s spend some time working on the directions, so we can be best assured of reaching our destination.

THANK you & don't forget: “Your Success Is My Business.”™

[Note: photo from]

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


During this time of year, as we close out one phase of our accomplishments and begin a new one, I wanted to share something with you that I felt was important.

For me personally (and related to the following story below), I have a lot of WWII stuff in my office. If you’ve never seen it before, I have paintings, newspaper articles, posters, photos, helmets, patches, money, books, models, rocks, medals, leggings, maps, etc., etc., etc.---all from and/or about WWII. For me, WWII was a defining moment in US history, and in World history (of course not “the” defining moment, but one of the major).

When I think about how the “greatest generation” lived through the great depression, then went straight to war on a global scale…the sacrifices these men & women gave---with a national joint effort---will (IMHO) never be seen again.

One of the paintings I have is of Leonard Lomell at the top of Pointe-du-Hoc, Normandy, France on D-Day. He was part of the 2nd Rangers that had to scale the 100’ cliffs at the point, with German fixed defenses firing on them, and he personally took out four 155mm artillery guns which won him the Distinguished Service Cross for his actions on that day.

The courage that Lomell and the other 16 million Americans provided during the largest conflict in human history inspires me every day.

What do you have in your office or home that inspires you? That makes you believe? What would the affect be if you had something, regardless of how small or seemingly insignificant to others, to inspire you each day? What would that inspiration cause you to think? To dream? And, ultimately, to dare?

Now, I want to share this story with you:

Believe it is Possible
By John M. Rowley

“Think, Believe, Dream, Dare.”
~ Walt Disney

This quote by Walt Disney has been hanging on my office wall for decades. Also in my office are two checks that paid my membership many years ago when I first joined R&J Health Studio, LONG before I realized my dream of owning it, and a jar of coal my Dad gave me for Christmas. I know it sounds like an odd combination, but let me explain. All of the above are there because I was bold enough to take the challenge from Walt Disney to Think, Believe, Dream and Dare.

I grew up being told not to dream. “You are such a dreamer, why don’t you grow up!” I would be told time and time again as a child. Then when I got older and had a family, I constantly had people close to me reminding me that I shouldn’t dream. I had a family to support. I am being selfish and childish. I am not smart enough, educated enough or good enough to do the things I want to achieve. I should just settle for my lot in life. People will discourage you because they know they can’t do it. Let me tell you right now, if you are hearing things like that, don’t listen! Those words are right out of the pit of hell. Let no man dictate what you can and cannot do. You were created for greatness. I am very fortunate that the most important person in my life, my beautiful wife Cathy, has always encouraged me and told me to focus on my dreams and to be all I could be. I am truly blessed with a wonderful encourager for a wife.

The reason I have Walt Disney’s quote hanging on my office wall next to the check to R&J Health Studio and a jar of coal sitting on my desk, is for a daily reminder to myself that if I DO think, believe, dream and dare, I can achieve what seems to be the impossible. When I was a young man, I talked about owning a gym just like R&J Health Studio and I was constantly shot down by everyone but my wife. You may be getting the same thing with your dreams. When others can’t do it they want you to fail as well. They may start by discouraging you and then by offering you what seems to be “good advice” to short circuit your success. It is your job to push through to success.

Yes, I did buy R&J Health Studio and the years I owned it were some of the best years of my life. The coal on my desk was given to me by my dad. I had just gotten into Manhattan real estate at William B. May on Madison Avenue, and that very Christmas Dad gave me and my brothers a jar of coal to remind us of our family roots. My dad’s ancestors were coal miners in Pennsylvania. But for me it held an additional meaning. One of my duties while working in a New York City Public School was to shovel coal into boilers to heat the building. A LOT of coal. Not only did I shovel the coal into the boiler, but I had to bring the coal from the coal pit to the boiler. Then after the coal was burned, I had to clean out all the ash, put it into the cans and bring the ash cans up out to the street for pick up. It was physically exhausting, filthy work. I kept that jar of coal on my desk as a reminder that regardless of how many challenges I may have in the business world, it could be worse. I could be back in the boiler room, breathing in coal dust and shoveling coal into a boiler. There is nothing wrong with shoveling coal, it is good, honest work, but the thought leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth (pun not intended). You see, I had people telling me that I should be doing just that – ONLY that - all the while trying to discourage me from trying to “conquer the world.” For me, I would rather not have to do it again...ever.

Most people are not being malicious when they try to discourage you from striving for outstanding success. They are just voicing their own fears. To them, failure is the worst thing that can happen. To ME, failure is simply a part of success and not trying is failure. Let them keep their fear and negativity, I don’t want any part of it and neither should you. Remember, success and failure aren’t opposites, they are neighbors separated by a thin line… by a single decision… the decision not to quit.

I once heard that Walt Disney wouldn’t even take on a project unless every person on his board of directors told him not to do it! You heard right…not to do it! He believed that if everyone agreed with him, that he wasn’t thinking big enough. He also said, "We did it (referring to Disneyland), in the knowledge that most of the people I talked to, thought it would be a financial disaster - closed and forgotten within the first year." Good thing for us old Walt didn’t listen to those people. What should you be doing that you are holding back on, out of fear? What great dream have you had that others told you was impossible or that you were nuts to even consider? If Walt Disney is any example, the very things you “aren’t” doing may be your road to greatness. Go for it! Pursue your dreams with passion and enthusiasm and I will see you on top of your ladder of success!

THANKS! And until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business.”™

Monday, November 16, 2009

Half full or half empty?

We've all heard the old cliché about whether you're a " glass half full or half empty" kind of person. Have you ever spent any time pondering this about yourself & why you think you see things the way you do?

I love the enthusiasm and positive outlook of the "glass half full" person. But at the same time, I appreciate the cautiousness and need of reassurance of the "glass half empty" person.

But here's the thing...if you see a glass, regardless of "half full or half empty", why not take the time to fill that glass for someone else?

Because it's not what you have when you exit this world, it's the legacy you leave behind that's most important.

I'd really love to hear your thoughts about this. Add them in the comments section (below).

Thanks and...“Your Success Is My Business.”™

Monday, November 9, 2009

Did You Hear The One About...?

No, not a joke, but rather a story. Don't you love listening to stories...and to further clarify, not fantasy stories, but real life stories.

As for me, an ol' southern boy, I always tell people "Don't expect to ask a southerner a question and expect a short answer." We love to tell stories. Painting a picture with words makes the conversation so much more enjoyable.

I was talking to a friend of mine last week about hunting, and he started telling me a story about a hunt he had a week ago and it was fascinating! For me, I've learned so much from the times I've been out hunting. And the stories I hear & the ones I can share are so full of memories, laughter and, sometimes, tears. Some of the best memories some folks have are of the times they spent hunting or fishing with their parents.

Just the other day, I went out and sat in my tree-stand on a bow-hunt for whitetail deer. I'm 15' about the ground, perched in a ladder stand against a huge pine tree with plenty of cover behind me. I've an incredible view of pine trees to my right, a large grass pasture in front of me and several hundred acres of soy beans to my left...what a perfect spot. While I'm silently, motionlessly sitting there pondering the issues of life and constantly scanning for any movement, a honey bee from a local hive flies down my shirt collar. WOW! He's walking around my chest, my neck and under my camo face-mask. I know he's not going to sting me - he's only out looking for some moisture/water...but he sure does have me squirming. But I can't move to do anything about it! What if the buck of a lifetime is just inside the tree line inspecting the field before he steps out and sees someone in a tree going crazy beating themselves? BOOM, he's gone! So, I just sat there while Mr. Bee did his thing, eventually he flew off...WHEW!

Life is all stories...yours, mine, our parents, their parents, our kids, our friends, neighbors, family, colleagues, teachers, preachers, etc. We hear these stories through face-to-face interaction, through media (TV, radio, newspaper, magazines, etc.), through Social Media, and on & on.

And, of course we all know some folks are better at telling these stories than others. I'm sure you can think of someone right off the top of your head that you know who tells a great story when sharing something about their life.

Even businesses can prosper with "the right story". Some of the most successful businesses are that way because they are able to share a great story about who they are and why they do what they do.

Scott Ginsberg just wrote a great article about how to be interesting in your story telling endeavors...some great advice. And CEO, Marc Benioff, shares his advice too.

So THANK YOU for allowing me to share this story with you and I'll be listening for yours as well.

What is one of your favorite story?

Thanks and remember: “Your Success Is My Business.”™

[Note: photo from]

Monday, November 2, 2009

"Where they going...where they been?"

This blog is going to be a little different than normal. You'll find it a little longer than I normally provide, and not necessarily about customer service, motivation or leadership. I thought I'd speak from the heart here and share some thoughts I had about the movie "Forrest Gump".

I'm sure you have a list of favorite movies just like I do. If someone pinned me down and made me submit my Top 10 all-time favorite movies, it would probably look like this (in no particular order):
  1. Dances With Wolves
  2. Forrest Gump
  3. Dawn of the Dead (1978)
  4. The Longest Day
  5. It's A Wonderful Life
  6. Oh Brother! Where Art Thou
  7. Cold Mountain
  8. Glory
  9. Band of Brothers
  10. The Matrix

Okay, I know: There's no artsy films listed, and some of the others ones that I really like (Ben Hur, Spartacus, Aliens, 50 First Dates, etc.) just didn't quite make the top list. But these are really the ones that I find myself watching over & over & over again.

So recently I'm watching Forrest Gump, and I realized that of all the movies I've ever seen, and for so many that I really, truly enjoy, this is the one that probably takes the #1 spot in my list.

And with that statement, I wanted to share all the reasons why:

Right at the beginning of the movie, Forrest utters one of the most memorable lines ever (for me) when speaking with the nurse while sitting on the bench in Savannah, GA. He's talking to her about her shoes and how comfortable they look. He stops for a moment & ponders something his mother told him, about how you can tell a lot about a person by their shoes, "...where they going, where they been." So I thought, maybe we could tell a lot about others if we just take the time to notice, to listen, to pay attention. To hear not only what they're saying, but what they are feeling and what they mean.

Here are some other lines from the movie that really stand out for me:

"I gotta find Bubba!" Even in the middle of a real mess, (or like the case when Forrest stated these words, the middle of a real nightmare) our family, our friends, those closest to us need our help regardless of what it might mean to us. Are we willing to run into the fire to find our friends?

"You still Lt. Dan." How profound. Regardless of what happens to you in your life, you are still who you are. Sure, we grow and experience events, but in the end, we're still "us".

"Her dream had come true. She was a folk singer." We all saw Jenny, naked up on the stage in a men's club and thought "how horrible that it's come to this". Yet, Forrest knew what her dream was (she had told him while in college) and from his perspective she had accomplished it. We so often think something negative about someones circumstances but from OUR PERSPECTIVE. Each person has there own perspective & view of life and we can truly never fully understand what that looks like --- only from our own point-of-view.

"...'cause you my girl." Forrest was fully devoted to Jenny, regardless of all she had done and all she had put herself through...for better or worse, he had never given up on her.

"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." I don't know if there's any better way to describe life other than this incredible statement.

Sure there are many, many more quotes from the movie I could go over but I'll leave it at this for now. Each time I watch the movie, something new seems to cause me to ponder...maybe for you too.

What a great movie. Thanks for allowing me to share.

What if your favorite Forrest Gump quote and why?

Until next time. “Your Success Is My Business.”™

[Note: photo from]

Monday, October 26, 2009

Taking the Risk

The Entrepreneur...I really have to believe that all of us have something burning deep down inside us that creates an "entrepreneurial" mindset within us.

Haven't you ever seen something on TV, on a store shelf, in a friend's or family member's home and you thought, "Hey, I had that idea! I can't believe someone did that!?!?!"

I really enjoy talking with business owners, regardless of the size of their business, to find out what it was that drove them to start the business and what experiences they had along the way.

The information entrepreneur's have, especially the failures they've experienced along the way, are such great lessons for all of us.

But, isn't it the RISK that holds us back. The thought that we'll fail, that no one will believe in us, that someone will think we're crazy for going after our passion?

If you've got an idea, a passion, and you want to pursue it then begin "feeding" yourself positive, motivating thoughts. Let your creative mind go!! Sites like Smartbrief for Entrepreneurs provide a daily newsletter about some of the greatest minds out there who are doing incredible things --- JUST LIKE YOU COULD BE DOING!

Whether you want to start a traditional brick & motar store or an on-line business, don't let the nay-sayers hold you back; because one day while you're at your friends house and he tells you about how they just purchased the greatest product ever...and its something you once dreamed about doing, you're really gonna (mentally) kick yourself.

What are you dreaming about?

Thanks and remember: “Your Success Is My Business.”™

[Note: photo from]

Thursday, October 15, 2009

"Oh My Goodness"

So I watched "50 First Dates" on TV again...and this scene (above) really stands out for me. I'll share with you why in just a moment.

Sure, I catch some flak about this being one of my favorite movies, but I think it's a really funny movie! When Doug Whitmore (Sean Astin) kisses his bicep, it just cracks me up!

And I'm the first to admit that I had never, EVER seen an Adam Sandler movie until this one. I just didn't care for him as an actor so I by-passed all his other movies (I still haven't seen the majority of the movies he's made). But this one was different.

It's kind of like "Groundhog Day", another one of my favorite movies, where someone gets to keep doing it over & over 'til they get it right. Something I think we'd all like a chance at.

But back to the scene above and why it stood out to me this particular viewing: Wouldn't it be great to view our family, our friends, our careers, our customers, everything from the point of view that we first get to experience them!? With excitement, wonderful expectations, a sense of tremendous possibilities & opportunities!! Wouldn't it be great if everything was an "Oh, my goodness" moment?

So, I was just pondering on this & thought I'd share. I'm wondering what are your "Oh, my goodness" moments?

Remember “Your Success Is My Business.”™

Monday, October 12, 2009

I Don't Have Too...

Through out life, we're afforded many opportunities & challenges. We recognize these. Many we look forward too with high expectations and anticipation while others we look on with dread & hopes that they don't come to pass.

But not all are large projects, are all pre-planned and/or foretold. Many items become routine to us and part of our normal life. I know that I'm as guilty as the next with the "I have to..." comments.

I've been pondering a lot on our attitude towards these events or tasks, regardless of their size.

And the more I ponder on these, the more I realize that I don't have to do them, I get too!

And so do you!

I get to go to work doing something I really am passionate about.
I get to serve others in helping them succeed.
I get to help out around the house.
I get to spend time with my family and friends.
I get to help my Dad with little projects he's no longer physically able to do alone.
I get to serve in the different community and church organizations I am part of.
I get to cut the grass.
I get to grill.
I get to take the garbage out to the road.
I get to do a lot of things, to numerous to mention here, that I'm blessed to do.

What are some things you get to do that others might feel they have too?

Remember: “Your Success Is My Business.”™

[Note: photo from]

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Motivated to Blog!

Isn't it funny how sometimes the little things can motivate us? Like today...

I'm surfing the net, reading blogs, following "the trail" as we often do when clicking from one link to the next in our search of the "golden nugget" of information we're seeking...and there it was:!

I had already earlier in the day found a site with "follow me" links FLOATING along the side, so I worked diligently to figure out the code and created some for myself on my blog (note right side of page). I couldn't believe I pulled that off!!!

Then I'm thinking, 'what else can I do to spiff the place up and make it more inviting for visitors, and what could I do in hopes of getting people to share these messages? So I started my hunt through all the blogs I already subscribe too.'

This lead me to open one of these blogs and from there I started clicking on links and the chase began!

Now, finding out little tricks of the "smart folks" is something I enjoy doing, but it's not always easy. I can't tell you how many people I've e-mailed and asked, "how'd you do that", with very few replies. That's why I wanted to share not only the site with you, but also one from CSSReflex as well.

So, with the new tools I've found today, and the upgrades I'm incorporated into the site, I'm really motivated to pound on the keyboard and share some more of my ponders with you.

So help me out and share what sites you use to help yourself be creative & get motivated?

Always trying to help you, because: “Your Success Is My Business.” ™

[Note: photo from]

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Positives About Negatives

"I hate customer complaints."
"Why are our customers always complaining?"
"Why would we want to have a social media page that allows customers to post negative comments about us?"

I'm heard this (and more) over & over from businesses all over America. I'm sure you have as well. All of these comments are with a negative thought process & with pessimistic vision for the future of that business.

But I on the other hand see huge positives in all these comments! How?

When your customer is calling you and complaining, all they're doing is begging for help. They want to do business with you, they want to give you their hard-earned money, all they want from you is to help them resolve their problem!

If a customer uses your social media page to post a complaint, here's your opportunity to show the world what great customer service you provide.

And if the customer has a legitimate problem with your business, don't you want to know where you're failing so you can correct it, regardless of how the message is delivered?

Negative comments & complaints are a gold mine for you to refine your company and move it to the next higher level of customer service and the customer experience. Don't miss the opportunites!

Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business.” ™

[Note: photo from]

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Monday, September 28, 2009

"Go to the Buick and turn around."

I'm watching "Any Given Sunday" the other night on AMC, not one of my favorite movies but there was nothing else on and I hadn't seen it in a long time. I did get motivation from the inspirational speeches that happens throughout the fact the speeches are so popular that you find many of them posted on YouTube.

The one that stood out to me this time, was one that happens early in the movie when Tony D'Amato (Al Pacino) pulls 3rd string quarterback Willie Beamen (Jamie Foxx) off to the side after he's pulled off numerous bad plays and attempts to settle him down.

The thing that calmed Willie down was when D'Amato reminded him of playing back home in his youth. He said, 'Don't you remember telling the guy to go to the Buick and to turn around' so that he could make the throw?

"Go to the Buick and turn around." So simple.

Is there something going on in your life now that's got you over anxious, not properly focused and maybe even those around you questioning your ability to deliver? If so, maybe you need to go to your Buick and turn around.

Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business.” ™

[Note: photo from]

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Monday, September 21, 2009

The Greatest of the "New Hire"

The "new hire". Don't you love them? The brand new team member (employee) at your business --- all happy, excited, energetic, optimistic and enthusiastic. They come in like a sponge looking for every drop of information they can get. Their minds are fresh & full of creative thoughts - even if some of them won't fly, they voice ideas about ways they believe will grow and prosper the organization.

Everyone they meet or are introduced too around the office they're smiling and shaking hands with, all seemingly amped up on caffeine or some magic "new hire" drug. They get home and tell their friends & family about how they've just landed the best job every. They share all the incredible opportunities ahead of them and what a super company it is they're associated with.

But somewhere along the line, something happens to these new hires. Haven't you seen this happen? Did it even happen to you?

What is it?

Somewhere along the path they stop smiling at everyone, they stop shaking hands, end all their enthusiasm and energy, quite coming up with creative ideas...and have none of the excitement or motivation like they used too. Now, the career that they once thought was a blessing has suddenly caused them to curse it.

As the leader or business owner, you have the more difficult task in all this: Keeping everyone motivated and acting like "new hires" each and every day!

As a leader, here is a list for you to review:
  • Are you, the leader, constantly sharing the vision?
  • Are you constantly talking about the culture?
  • Are you removing roadblocks that create frustration?
  • Are you the great communicator within your company?
  • Do you immediately resolve internal conflicts?
  • Do you constantly carry the rallying cry of the purpose of your company?
  • Do you provide constant, regularly scheduled employee evaluations so that people know exactly where they stand?
  • Do you eliminate incompetence?
  • And finally, do you make work fun?

As the leader, it's up to you to continue to fuel your team and to help them maintain that "new hire" mentality regardless of how long they've worked with you. Do so and watch your business grow!

Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business.” ™

[Note: photo from]

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Sunday, September 13, 2009


I'm a pretty big guy. Sure there are guys bigger than me, but I'd have to say I'm up there myself. It's not often that I see someone taller than me. At 80 inches tall and about 270lbs, it takes a lot of material to fully cloth me.

And I don't think of myself as tall or out-of-the-normal. When I stand around with a group of guys, I just feel like a normal "one of the guys" guy myself from my perspective. It's only when I see someone that's really tall that it dawns on me about my physical size.

My friend Francis Mitchell always calls me her "twin" when we see each other..."twins separated at birth" is what she always tells me, kinda like Arnold Schwarenegger and Danny Devito from the 1988 movie Twins. Of course you can see from the photo that this would really be like the movie Twins if it were true. From Francis' perspective, I can't imagine how I "look" to her. It's got to be a little scary.

So as I was pondering on all this, my perspective of the world versus Francis' perspective of the world, I began thinking about this from a business point-of-view.

My friend Jason Jennings wrote one of my favorite books, "Think Big, Act Small" about great companies that are really big (such as Dot Foods, Sonic, Cabelas, etc.), but how they act small in the attention they give to not only their customers, but also to their employees. As a fan of Cabelas myself, it's always a pleasure to shop in their stores because of all the wonderful customer service I've always received. They always seem like the small town business that cares so much for their customer. This giant of a company seems to me like a friend.

What businesses do you shop with that is a really big business, but from your perspective seem to be a friend to you, or maybe even closer - like a brother...or even a twin? Why do you think they have this perspective?

Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business."™

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Friday, September 11, 2009

False Peace

I just read a statement that said, "There are times in our lives when our peace is based simply on our ignorance." Now that really makes you stop & ponder on what it is that we currently have peace with simply because of our ignorance of it.

Let's not look at this from a personal point-of-view (though I encourage you to take some time to ponder it that way) but rather let's look at this from a business stand-point.

Since the down-turn of the economy, the majority of businesses have great clarity now on items that before I don't think were very obvious to them. To me a great business has focus on being cost effective in all they do, are efficient at all the processes and deliver world-class service to all their customers regardless of current ecomonic conditions. Were they ignorant to all these when we were living in the "good times" (stock market growing) so they were at peace with all the issues they've given priority focus on in the past few years? What if they'd implemented all their recent changes back in 2000 before the down-turn in the economy? What if...

What issue(s) do you see businesses over-looking and living "at peace" with that they should have focus on?

Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business.” ™

[Note: photo from]

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Monday, August 31, 2009

The "Plecia Nearctica" (You know what I mean if you live in the South)

Just a "thought" and reminder...

As we begin the month of September here in the South, this typically means that we will have a month of those pesky flies we call "Lovebugs". It's always weird for me when I travel around the country in May and September ( the two "lovebug" months for us) in locations where these flies don't exist. For those of you like this, you can't imagine what you're missing.

These things swarm in the hundreds of thousands and just completely cover the front of your vehicles. And its no easy task to clean them off either! I've heard of, seen and tried many methods to remove these from the front of my vehicles: from lightly spraying a film of Pam across the forward edge of the hood and grill/bumper to (most recently) seeing that using a slightly damp dryer sheets to wipe them away will work.

And not only do they cover your vehicles, they seem to be highly attracted to the color white. Whether its your vehicle, house or even something you're wearing.

So, mentally prepare yourself, because here they come!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

How You Can Choose to Make a Difference

Gratitude…a recurring topic in these posts. Giving to others without expectation of reward.

One of my favorite quotes is “Give without remembering, receive without forgetting.”

Today, I share a message I received via e-mail and I can’t confirm who the author is, and also a short video I hope you view:

You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just read straight through, and you'll get the point.
1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America pageant.
4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.
5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.
6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.

How did you do?

The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday.

These are no second-rate achievers.

They are the best in their fields.

But the applause dies…

Awards tarnish.

Achievements are forgotten.

Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.

Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:

1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special!!
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.


The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials…the most money...or the most awards.

They simply are the ones who care the most. Be sure to THANK someone today. I knew you'd think that was a great message! Here is the video presentation I wanted you to view as well.

Who are you thankfull for today? More importantly, have you told them?

Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business."™

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The "Squeaky Wheel" Philosophy

What if your customers never had to say "I won't stop because I'm the squeaky wheel" because you're delivering such legendary service they're always WOW'd? How is your customer service department stacking up?

Customer service is harder to deliver now more than any time in history. With the advent of the internet, social media, and the new "4-second rule" (hey, it was only recently that it was the 8-second rule) we've self-created a hyper-drive customer service society.

Regardless of the size of your company, customers expect a LEGENDARY CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE (including service) regardless of how THEY elect to connect with you. Whether they communicate with you via face-to-face 'walk in' business, via the phone, via e-message, via website self-service, via social media, via whatever method THEY elect, they are expecting your immediate attention to their requests. And when you don't deliver to their expectations, this is when they become "the squeaky wheel".

The days of your business electing to provide one or two customer interaction paths are a thing of the past. Customers will seek out the businesses that provide them the method in which they want to do business. Are you providing all the paths your customers want?

I'd like to hear any success stories you've had with implementing new customer service options for your customers.

THANKS! And until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business.” ™

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Positive Attitude

The topic of attitude seems to keep coming around doesn’t it (one example)? I constantly look at all my environments and listen with focus, I seem to filter anything positive or negative down to a person’s attitude.

But how do we have a positive attitude? It’s easy when we’re on top of the mountain, but when you’re in the valley it’s a different story---and that's when we need to focus on our attitude the most!

Judy Williamson wrote a great article about attitude and I hope you take a moment to read it:

Be Your Very Best Always!

Having and maintaining a positive mental attitude should be first on your daily list of items to accomplish just like taking a bath and brushing your teeth. It’s more important than taking out the garbage, giving the cat a bath, preparing a gourmet dinner, or paying your bills. Sounds unreasonable, doesn’t it? Not really, because without a Positive Mental Attitude the items on your to-do list won’t matter anyway. Unless you predispose your life for success, it won’t happen spontaneously. Conditioning your mind for PMA is like watching for a shooting star, expecting to see a rainbow after a storm, anticipating the rose inside of the bud, counting the days until your new kitten purrs, and deciding on dessert before you finish your main course. There is nothing wrong and everything right with setting your mind on a course of positive action. It’s the expectation that makes the event extra-special, not only the event itself. As you color your world the way you desire it, more often than not you are stepping into the future one positive thought at a time.

What are some simple ways that you can secure a positive outcome for yourself on a daily basis? Perhaps the list below can give you some ideas that can be put into practice.

  1. Get a head start by affirming to your subconscious mind before you fall asleep that when you awake it will be a fantastic day! Create a little rhyme like: “When I awake it will be great!” Repeat it as you fall asleep.

  2. Before getting up stretch and linger as you become conscious. When fully awake, remind yourself that today will be just spectacular.

  3. Take a few minutes for quiet time before you jumpstart your routine. Have a lingering cup of coffee, witness what is occurring out-of-doors, watch the birds at the feeder, and then express a prayer of gratitude for all you have been given today and every day.

  4. Make time to list in writing what you intend to accomplish this day. Keep your primary to-do list reasonable and under five items. Have some easy, medium, and hard things to accomplish this day. Challenge yourself to move through your list and complete the items one by one.

  5. Be less serious. Allow humor to enter your life. Laugh and laugh again. A good laugh is like a massage for the soul.

  6. Give up perfection and be satisfied with good enough on things that are really not that important. Polishing the silver is good for the family heirloom, but is it making a profound difference in your life?

  7. Focus daily on something that makes your heart expand not contract. If you are not living for something spectacular, then why are you living for less?

  8. Extend yourself daily by doing a kindness for another that is not meant to be reciprocated. Do it and forget it!

  9. Elevate your spiritual nature by reading a section of a classical book. Better yet, make a list of 12 classics that you decide to read this year. Challenge yourself to one good book a month.

  10. Remember to pay it forward! Stockpile your harvest for your future needs. Do not let the well run dry for lack of priming the pump! Give before you get!

That's some great advice! These little techniques may not make you an overnight success, but they will set your feet in motion toward a better life.

Do you have some processes or "rituals" you use to get yourself in a positive state of mind? What are they and do you use them each day?

Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business.” ™

[Note: photo from]

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Customer Experience - Red Carpet Treatment

Isn't the customer experience the responsibility of the entire company? Shouldn't everyone employed at a business consider themselves part of the customer experience team? Isn't the customer experience the main long-term focus of all businesses? All these questions are things I constantly ponder on and discuss with the business leaders/owners I interact with.

I recently read a statement that asked (rhetorically I'm hoping) 'when did the customer experience become the responsibility of only one group of a company?'

How true.

If your business isn't rolling out the red carpet to everyone the comes into contact with your company - whether face-to-face, via e-mail, phone call, social media, or whatever touch point you provide your customers - are you assuming that your competition isn't either?

I truly believe that most businesses are working on how to WOW! their customers and that there's nothing wrong with a customer experience team to create and deliver those processes. It's unfortunate, though, that there are businesses out there that don't take the time to focus on this. I read an article recently about how a well established business, with known problems in the past, continues to let people down in their customer experience.

How does your business focus on the customer experience? How do you hold yourself personally accountable for the customer experience, regardless of your company's process? What local company (preferably not some national chain) that you do business with is the best at the "customer experience"?

THANKS for reading! Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business.” ™

[Note: photos from]

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Monday, August 10, 2009

Building Communities

Helping others grow their social media communities has been something I've enjoyed doing. Helping people connect with others of similar interests is a good thing. It's almost daily that I see someone new join one of the social media communities I participate in. Do you see this happening too?

If you follow social media like I do, there are so many conversations going on about what social media is and why you should be involved.

Whether it's someone like Seth Godin in a video talking about what you should be doing within your social media communities, Chris Brogan wondering if you need to touch every conversation, maybe a company trying to teach you how to include it in your business, or one of your friends/colleagues passionately telling you how many new "friends" they have on their Facebook or Twitter account; isn't your social media community your community?

If social media is simply conversations, just like you'd have with someone face-to-face, then why can't you post what you want to say?

In my last blog, "Am I Yelling", I pondered on that very thought and also about what I shared in my social media communities, and whether I was yelling my messages through these "social media megaphones".

But something that seems rarely mentioned, but seems to be highly important to many, is the number of connections we have within our communities. I recently read a blog (can't remember which one now from all the ones I read) about how important your connections (network) was and how it may be turned in to 'higher hire-ability factor' going forward. Interesting thought.

But what do we do that helps others gain & grow their networks?

When you connect with someone new on your Facebook account, do you "suggest friends" for this person to the appropriate connections you have? (Remember, just because you're limited to doing 20 at a time, doesn't mean you can't do it multiple times!) This is a great way to help someone build their initial community!! Do you retweet someone elses tweet post to your community? Do you actively seek out and recommend those connected to you on LinkedIn? Do you share blogs you like with all your community(s) connections?

When you help others build their communities, you'll soon see the same happen to your own community as well. What a great deal for everyone!!

I'd be interested in hearing your experiences in how you build your communities and how you help others do so as well. It would be great information to share with everyone. (Click "comment" below to do so.)

THANKS! Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business.” ™

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Am I Yelling?

While reading a recent on-line article, it pointed to a related video blog which I in turn watched. The video was very informative and I got a lot out of it. The thing that really stood out in it to me was a line that one of the people being interviewed used, "...using my social media megaphone...".

That started me pondering on whether I was "shouting" my message or simply sharing my messages.

I looked at my "me" folder under my favorites and counted thirty (that's right, 30) Social Media sites that I have accounts in, and that I keep updated. Incredible!!! Now I admit that some of these sites I personally deem more relavent than others. My twitter page, my Facebook page, my YouTube page and my LinkedIn page I find to be the most used.

But what about the messages I'm sharing in all my communities? Or the messages I'm seeing that are being shared?

Recently, I've had a lot of other people (especially those new to the Social Media world) comment to me about how they really don't understand and/or how they dislike certain posts they get. Examples given to me are how even the smallest things in a person's life gets shared: "Heading to get something to drink", "Well, off to bed", "Going to grab some groceries, BRB", etc.

Social Media is about having conversations, pure and simple.

Whether that conversation is a piece of wisdom, a great idea, a web-link reference post, a comment about history, news item, current personal event like a vacation/reunion, a blog, customer service & support, promotional item, asking a question, "how to", or simply "Hang on, I've got to go the restroom"'s all a conversation. And just like in the real world where we interact face-to-face with people every day, there are sometimes things all of us would probably rather not have heard.

For me, I try to share items via my social media communities that I find personally interesting but at the same time I try to consider those I'm sharing with. Some of the posts I share are what I believe to be news worthy, some are what I consider humor, some are sad, some are reflective, some are targeted to a specific group within my community (for example my recent high school reunion), etc. I find most of my posts deal with personal branding, growing your leadership, growing your busines, or (hopefully) something inspirational. But I have, I will admit, shared some stuff that maybe made some of my community question their connection with me.

One that comes to mind was a twitter event of a hunt I went on earlier in the year. I tweet'd from the arrival in the stand all the way to the completion of the hunt. (But that hunt lead me to blog a message I thought important.) I've even tweet'd airplane flights from start-to-finish before (sorry everyone!!!). In the end I think we all grow into our "communication style" and people see that, it just takes a bit. I remember when I first started talking all I knew was "gah, gah, bah baddy blah boo" and stuff like that; but eventually I made it to the big time and put real words together to form real sentences and then on to tell real stories!!

So as I end, I have a few questions I was wondering if you'd answer for me:

What social media sites do you use the most?
What do you find to be the most interesting topics you see posted?
If you could pick only one social media site to use, which one would it be and why?
Does your work use social media to communicate and interact with your customers?
[Click "comment" below to answer.]

THANKS SO MUCH! And let me know if you think I'm yelling...

Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business.” ™

[Note: photo from]

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Monday, July 27, 2009


Do you go through-out your day with the confidence in yourself to know that you are a winner? Do you truly believe that you are the best partner for your customers and that your products are the best answers to their problems? Do you train yourself daily like a world-class athlete does?

I love listening to Rush Limbaugh. I’m not saying I totally agree with everything that he says, but is that guy confident in himself or what? In each show, he always states, “Talent on loan…from God”. Now if that’s not confidence, I don’t know what is. And the name of his station is EIB---Excellence in Broadcasting. Another statement of confidence.

So, get your confidence (and attitude) right and go out & sell someone on YOU!

Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business.” ™

[Note: photo from]

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Remembering Walter Cronkite

Last night I found a two-hour TV special on the life of Walter Cronkite. Frankly, had he not recently passed away, I probably would have keep surfing. But with his passing, I wanted to watch this special.

[Note: This may not be as sentimental of a journey for those of you born after 1970.]

As someone who grew up watching him every night on TV (my dad watched him religiously if he was home from work in time), he was a mainstay in our family, just as he was for many hundred of thousands of other American families during the 60's and 70's. During the show, I recalled all the historical events that happened during his time as anchorman for the CBS evening news (I posted the above photo of him because this is exactly how I first remember him on our small black & white TV set with rabbit ears and the traditional tin-foil wrapped ends to help reception of the three channels we could receive). I recalled watching the first man-on-the-moon (40th anniversary this past Monday), the Watergate investigations, the Vietnam war and so much more that I learned through watching Walter Cronkite each night. As kids, we would imitate his "...and that's the way it is..." I never was big on Sesame Street or the like, but I don't recall hardly ever missing the evening news.

As a WWII historian, another thing that really stands out for me was his reporting of the war. In later life he did a WWII documentary that I also enjoy. He was right there in the fight during the war years and his reports were top notch.

Something closer to home for me now was his reputation as being known as the "most trusted man in America". Now that's what I call "personal branding"!! I believe he gained that title because of the incredible customer experience that he provided. He held his profession up to the highest standards and demanded that out of not only his team mates, but from his colleagues in the profession as well. You could truly consider him a SME and guru of what he did, because it was truly a passion of his. And he delivered that passion, that professionalism, that since of responsibility of what he was providing to his customers - the American public - who "bought" his product every night for two+ decades.

What a legacy of excellence he leaves us an example of, that we have the opportunity to mimic in our careers regardless of industry.

I'd love for you to share you story of what you remember about Walter Cronkite and how he influenced your life. Please post in the comments section below.

Thanks for allowing me a little walk down memory lane.

Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business.” ™

[Note: photo from]