Of course we all know that famous line from the Clint Eastwood movie. And I don't think "Dirty Harry" meant it to have a positive outcome for the person he was interacting with.
But that doesn't mean we can't use "make my day" in a positive way with the people we interact with every day.
In today's hectic world, it seems that courtesy sometimes takes a back-seat in trying to make it to the next appointment.
So, I came up with some suggestions for us to do so we can all "make someone's day":
Find the manager at the restaurant you eat at and tell them what a great meal you had and what fantastic service your host provided you.
E-mail the company of the hotel you stay in and share the wonderful way their team took care of you during your stay.
Next time you're getting food from a fast food restaurant, make the person behind the registers day and leave them a tip.
While checking out at the grocery store, graciously thank your check-out person and be sure to use their name when you do it.
Hand write a letter to your best friend's mother and thank her.
Drop a message to your old school teachers and thank them for everything they did for you...especially for putting up with all your pranks.
Find and tip your garbage person. Be sure to apologize to them for only doing it at year end.
E-mail your company CEO a "super success" story about a co-worker and how they delivered a world-class customer experience to a client.
Call every family member and thank them for a life full of love, support and blessings.
Anonymously buy someone's meal.
Ask someone behind you to move ahead of you in line.
Wave at everyone you meet while driving.
Find something to compliment about each person you see today and tell them at the beginning of the conversation.
Find out everyone you know birthday date and, even if you have to note it somewhere, never forget to wish them happy birthday each year.
And lastly, let's all focus and "make someone's day" everyday.
Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business."™
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