More specifically, customer loyalty. Another one of the recurring topics that we will touch on in these messages is about the world-class service we should all be providing our customers. And as we’ve discussed, it’s not about a satisfied customer…but a loyal customer.
One of my favorite motivational speakers and authors, Jeffrey Gitomer, wrote a great book with a great title called, “Customer Satisfaction is Worthless, Customer Loyalty is Priceless”. You need this on your “to read” list if you don’t already own it (available here).
How does a company or a salesperson know when they’ve created customer loyalty? One way is when a person elects to tattoo your logo on their body, I would say that’s the ultimate customer loyalty statement.
“But Joey, I can’t get the billing department to get the customer’s billing right.” “But Joey, the service techs didn’t install the system like the customer asked them too.” STOP POINTING FINGERS about why you can’t provide world-class service! You do everything you can and provide world-class service to the customer. How?
q Treat every customer like a celebrity.
If George Clooney called and needed service you’d go crazy in serving him and falling all over him to make sure he was happy. Act like every person you talk to is George Clooney.
q Give your customers face and serve them to death.
When was the last time your Top 100 customers saw you? How about your Top 10? Is every visit an attempt to sell them something and they only perceive you as a salesman? Do you provide them marketing ideas, growth suggestions that you’ve seen in other companies or provide them other business partners who can mutually benefit from doing business together in order for everyone to succeed?
q Professionally oversee all projects.
Have all necessary pre-call calls; clearly deliver all –detailed– documents concerning your project to all necessary parties; confirm all deadlines to all parties in writing; follow-up, follow-up, follow-up!
q “Call out the Cavalry!”
I can assure you that when your customer has problems, the last thing they want is excuses, technical mumbo-jumbo or anything else that doesn’t resolve their problem. The only words they want to hear from you are:
àEmpathy (“Oh, that’s horrible!”)
àTell them “That’s my favorite problem!” You’ll amaze them when you say this.
àTell them the cavalry is in route to resolve their problem, and then make it happen.
Once the problem is corrected: follow-up with the customer, resell them on your company, and then resell them on YOU.
q Send business to your customers.
Become a professional netweaver. Help your client’s grow their business by partnering them with mutually supporting businesses so that everyone grows! When you start helping your customer’s grow, they’ll happily return the favor.
Be 100% focused on creating customer loyalty (Raving Fans!) in everything you do when interacting with your customers.
“Your company's most valuable asset is how it is known to its customers.”
~Brian Tracy
Have a great week and until next time, remember:
“Your Success Is My Business."™