Monday, August 31, 2009

The "Plecia Nearctica" (You know what I mean if you live in the South)

Just a "thought" and reminder...

As we begin the month of September here in the South, this typically means that we will have a month of those pesky flies we call "Lovebugs". It's always weird for me when I travel around the country in May and September ( the two "lovebug" months for us) in locations where these flies don't exist. For those of you like this, you can't imagine what you're missing.

These things swarm in the hundreds of thousands and just completely cover the front of your vehicles. And its no easy task to clean them off either! I've heard of, seen and tried many methods to remove these from the front of my vehicles: from lightly spraying a film of Pam across the forward edge of the hood and grill/bumper to (most recently) seeing that using a slightly damp dryer sheets to wipe them away will work.

And not only do they cover your vehicles, they seem to be highly attracted to the color white. Whether its your vehicle, house or even something you're wearing.

So, mentally prepare yourself, because here they come!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

How You Can Choose to Make a Difference

Gratitude…a recurring topic in these posts. Giving to others without expectation of reward.

One of my favorite quotes is “Give without remembering, receive without forgetting.”

Today, I share a message I received via e-mail and I can’t confirm who the author is, and also a short video I hope you view:

You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just read straight through, and you'll get the point.
1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America pageant.
4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.
5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.
6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.

How did you do?

The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday.

These are no second-rate achievers.

They are the best in their fields.

But the applause dies…

Awards tarnish.

Achievements are forgotten.

Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.

Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:

1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special!!
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.


The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials…the most money...or the most awards.

They simply are the ones who care the most. Be sure to THANK someone today. I knew you'd think that was a great message! Here is the video presentation I wanted you to view as well.

Who are you thankfull for today? More importantly, have you told them?

Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business."™

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The "Squeaky Wheel" Philosophy

What if your customers never had to say "I won't stop because I'm the squeaky wheel" because you're delivering such legendary service they're always WOW'd? How is your customer service department stacking up?

Customer service is harder to deliver now more than any time in history. With the advent of the internet, social media, and the new "4-second rule" (hey, it was only recently that it was the 8-second rule) we've self-created a hyper-drive customer service society.

Regardless of the size of your company, customers expect a LEGENDARY CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE (including service) regardless of how THEY elect to connect with you. Whether they communicate with you via face-to-face 'walk in' business, via the phone, via e-message, via website self-service, via social media, via whatever method THEY elect, they are expecting your immediate attention to their requests. And when you don't deliver to their expectations, this is when they become "the squeaky wheel".

The days of your business electing to provide one or two customer interaction paths are a thing of the past. Customers will seek out the businesses that provide them the method in which they want to do business. Are you providing all the paths your customers want?

I'd like to hear any success stories you've had with implementing new customer service options for your customers.

THANKS! And until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business.” ™

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Positive Attitude

The topic of attitude seems to keep coming around doesn’t it (one example)? I constantly look at all my environments and listen with focus, I seem to filter anything positive or negative down to a person’s attitude.

But how do we have a positive attitude? It’s easy when we’re on top of the mountain, but when you’re in the valley it’s a different story---and that's when we need to focus on our attitude the most!

Judy Williamson wrote a great article about attitude and I hope you take a moment to read it:

Be Your Very Best Always!

Having and maintaining a positive mental attitude should be first on your daily list of items to accomplish just like taking a bath and brushing your teeth. It’s more important than taking out the garbage, giving the cat a bath, preparing a gourmet dinner, or paying your bills. Sounds unreasonable, doesn’t it? Not really, because without a Positive Mental Attitude the items on your to-do list won’t matter anyway. Unless you predispose your life for success, it won’t happen spontaneously. Conditioning your mind for PMA is like watching for a shooting star, expecting to see a rainbow after a storm, anticipating the rose inside of the bud, counting the days until your new kitten purrs, and deciding on dessert before you finish your main course. There is nothing wrong and everything right with setting your mind on a course of positive action. It’s the expectation that makes the event extra-special, not only the event itself. As you color your world the way you desire it, more often than not you are stepping into the future one positive thought at a time.

What are some simple ways that you can secure a positive outcome for yourself on a daily basis? Perhaps the list below can give you some ideas that can be put into practice.

  1. Get a head start by affirming to your subconscious mind before you fall asleep that when you awake it will be a fantastic day! Create a little rhyme like: “When I awake it will be great!” Repeat it as you fall asleep.

  2. Before getting up stretch and linger as you become conscious. When fully awake, remind yourself that today will be just spectacular.

  3. Take a few minutes for quiet time before you jumpstart your routine. Have a lingering cup of coffee, witness what is occurring out-of-doors, watch the birds at the feeder, and then express a prayer of gratitude for all you have been given today and every day.

  4. Make time to list in writing what you intend to accomplish this day. Keep your primary to-do list reasonable and under five items. Have some easy, medium, and hard things to accomplish this day. Challenge yourself to move through your list and complete the items one by one.

  5. Be less serious. Allow humor to enter your life. Laugh and laugh again. A good laugh is like a massage for the soul.

  6. Give up perfection and be satisfied with good enough on things that are really not that important. Polishing the silver is good for the family heirloom, but is it making a profound difference in your life?

  7. Focus daily on something that makes your heart expand not contract. If you are not living for something spectacular, then why are you living for less?

  8. Extend yourself daily by doing a kindness for another that is not meant to be reciprocated. Do it and forget it!

  9. Elevate your spiritual nature by reading a section of a classical book. Better yet, make a list of 12 classics that you decide to read this year. Challenge yourself to one good book a month.

  10. Remember to pay it forward! Stockpile your harvest for your future needs. Do not let the well run dry for lack of priming the pump! Give before you get!

That's some great advice! These little techniques may not make you an overnight success, but they will set your feet in motion toward a better life.

Do you have some processes or "rituals" you use to get yourself in a positive state of mind? What are they and do you use them each day?

Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business.” ™

[Note: photo from]

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Customer Experience - Red Carpet Treatment

Isn't the customer experience the responsibility of the entire company? Shouldn't everyone employed at a business consider themselves part of the customer experience team? Isn't the customer experience the main long-term focus of all businesses? All these questions are things I constantly ponder on and discuss with the business leaders/owners I interact with.

I recently read a statement that asked (rhetorically I'm hoping) 'when did the customer experience become the responsibility of only one group of a company?'

How true.

If your business isn't rolling out the red carpet to everyone the comes into contact with your company - whether face-to-face, via e-mail, phone call, social media, or whatever touch point you provide your customers - are you assuming that your competition isn't either?

I truly believe that most businesses are working on how to WOW! their customers and that there's nothing wrong with a customer experience team to create and deliver those processes. It's unfortunate, though, that there are businesses out there that don't take the time to focus on this. I read an article recently about how a well established business, with known problems in the past, continues to let people down in their customer experience.

How does your business focus on the customer experience? How do you hold yourself personally accountable for the customer experience, regardless of your company's process? What local company (preferably not some national chain) that you do business with is the best at the "customer experience"?

THANKS for reading! Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business.” ™

[Note: photos from]

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Monday, August 10, 2009

Building Communities

Helping others grow their social media communities has been something I've enjoyed doing. Helping people connect with others of similar interests is a good thing. It's almost daily that I see someone new join one of the social media communities I participate in. Do you see this happening too?

If you follow social media like I do, there are so many conversations going on about what social media is and why you should be involved.

Whether it's someone like Seth Godin in a video talking about what you should be doing within your social media communities, Chris Brogan wondering if you need to touch every conversation, maybe a company trying to teach you how to include it in your business, or one of your friends/colleagues passionately telling you how many new "friends" they have on their Facebook or Twitter account; isn't your social media community your community?

If social media is simply conversations, just like you'd have with someone face-to-face, then why can't you post what you want to say?

In my last blog, "Am I Yelling", I pondered on that very thought and also about what I shared in my social media communities, and whether I was yelling my messages through these "social media megaphones".

But something that seems rarely mentioned, but seems to be highly important to many, is the number of connections we have within our communities. I recently read a blog (can't remember which one now from all the ones I read) about how important your connections (network) was and how it may be turned in to 'higher hire-ability factor' going forward. Interesting thought.

But what do we do that helps others gain & grow their networks?

When you connect with someone new on your Facebook account, do you "suggest friends" for this person to the appropriate connections you have? (Remember, just because you're limited to doing 20 at a time, doesn't mean you can't do it multiple times!) This is a great way to help someone build their initial community!! Do you retweet someone elses tweet post to your community? Do you actively seek out and recommend those connected to you on LinkedIn? Do you share blogs you like with all your community(s) connections?

When you help others build their communities, you'll soon see the same happen to your own community as well. What a great deal for everyone!!

I'd be interested in hearing your experiences in how you build your communities and how you help others do so as well. It would be great information to share with everyone. (Click "comment" below to do so.)

THANKS! Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business.” ™

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