Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Questions about you

You ever see one of those "Questions about you" that you can answer and share with others that helps tell who you are? They're pretty cool and can often times be very revelling.

I was digging through one of my many paper-pads looking for a specific quote I wanted to use as a “status post” for my Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter pages, and while doing so I found “10 Questions” from notes taken a couple of years ago during a talk by Steve Siebold. You don’t have to answer them back to me, I just thought they’d make you stop and ponder:

  1. What are the three (3) most positive experiences of your life?
  2. List the three (3) most important things you’ve learned about success?
  3. How did your family make you feel about yourself?
  4. List your three (3) biggest heroes.
  5. Write down your own obituary as if you achieved all your dreams.
  6. What do you want your great-great grandchildren to say about you?
  7. What does success mean to you?
  8. What accomplishments are you the most proud of? Why?
  9. What beliefs and values are you willing to die for?
  10. Describe the perfect day in your life, if there were no limits.

My question: What did you learn about yourself from answering these questions?

[Note: photo from http://www.promotionalpro.com/]

Your Success Is My Business.”™

pondering - "to think about : reflect on"

Please share with others:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much..!!! I knew I would find it somewhere online.