Friday, June 5, 2009

He said, "Don't blink"

"Don't Blink" by Kenny Chesney
I was listening to this song on the radio, and one of the lines really popped out at me:
"...when your hour glass runs out of sand,
you can't flip it over and start again..."

How thought provoking --- something to really make you stop and ponder...or does it?

I'm the first to admit I didn't stop & ponder on this when I was in my teens, or in my 20s, and no, not even in my 30s. I wonder would I have made different choices then if I had. Would you have? Don't we all procrastinate and think we have "tomorrow"?

But now as I come up on my 30 year senior class reunion in a few weeks, this whole "don't blink" thought I find to be more and more true.

What if I'd had mentors in my life during those early years? Do we encourage mentors in our children's lives?

How 'bout specific goals, following your passion(s)? It can never be too late to do that.

One of my friends always says, "Life is to short not to take advantage of it and live it to the fullest."

Personally, I've put off learning another language for years (even though I have Rosetta Stone). I've put off learning a musical instrument. I've put off many hobbies & passions because I always thought I'd get around to them. I've postponed eating healthy and exercising because I've lived the greatest cliché, "I'll get to it."

How are you doing yourself? Are you following your passions or are you putting them on the back burner?

And "don't blink" goes for your education, relationships, careers, etc. as well.

I used to think when I was young how great it was that I knew my great-grandfather and that he had personally witnessed the dawn of a new century. Now in the blink of our eyes, most of you (if not all) reading this, like me, have not only done the same thing, but have also witnessed the dawn of a new millennium...and our grandchildren will (hopefully) think how awesome that was for us to have experienced!

Maybe seeing the movie "The Bucket List" also has me more focused on all of this...?

But pondering on something and making an active pursuit are two different things. One is passive and one is a deliberate action required.

So, " goes faster than you think, don't blink". Think I'd better stop blinking and get focused & active. How 'bout you?

Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business."™

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How Will You Finish

You face challenges every day. Whether you consider them ‘brick walls’, ‘pot-holes in the road’, ‘mountains & valleys’, ‘the rollercoaster of life’, or anything else, every day you face some challenge (or better yet, some opportunity to grow!).

But how will you finish when you face these opportunities?

Finishing strong is the only way to finish.

Just like with your monthly business goals, and any personal goal that you have in your life, you should finish not just at your goal, but always exceeding your goal!

Do you have a story to share about some goal you had that was a huge challenge, but not only did you finish you finished so strong and so far exceeding your goal that you were even amazed? I'd love to hear!

Take a few minutes to view the following short video presentation about finishing strong.

Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business."™