The most recent book I've completed is Seth Godin's "The Dip". It's a small book, at only 80 pages long, so it was a really quick read. Seth explains the three different paths to all decisions: The Dip, The "Cul-de-sac" and the Cliff.
While I was reading the book, I keep thinking to myself, this is all "duh" material (stuff we should all already know), but then I found myself highlighting more & more statements that stood out for me.
The book is about how it's alright to quit something when you realize that the end result isn't going to be the right outcome for you, your family, your career. Seth shares that it's alright to quit, and that the old saying "Winners never quit" is the wrong way to think.
The AHA! moment for me in the book was when Seth told about how you should determine, up front, all the things that would cause you to quit something---before you ever start---and then hold to these items and not let other issues hinder your path (i.e., because it's hard, because you're tired, etc.).
In the end, it's a book I wish someone would have encouraged me to read soon after graduating from high school.
So, what books have encouraged and motivated you? Who inspires you when you read their material?
[You can find the book here and Seth's website here.]
Until next time, remember “Your Success Is My Business."™